Altiplano (Spanish for high plain), where the Andes are at their widest, is the most extensive area of high plateau on earth outside of Tibet.

Laguna Miscanti, view to the north-east

Laguna Miscanti, view to the south-east

Hut near Laguna Miscanti

Laguna Miñiques (the smaller lake to the south of Laguna Miscanti). According to our guide, originally Laguna Miscanti and Laguna Miñiques were a single lake, but are now divided into two as a result of lava from a volcanic eruption

The volcano in the distance is apparently the one whose lava divided Laguna Miscanti and Laguna Miñiques

Nice place for a picnic? Well, it was until it started raining!

We found ourselves in the middle of a magnificent thunder storm, but the lightening somehow managed to evade capture on my camera